Bone and ivory goblets, adored for their rich, textured appearance and connection to ancient cultures, demand meticulous care and maintenance to retain their aesthetic and functional charm. To ensure your goblets’ longevity, understanding the characteristics of these materials and adopting suitable care strategies are crucial. This comprehensive guide will delve into the specifics of caring for and maintaining your bone and ivory goblets.

Quick Reference: Do’s and Don’ts


  • Do handle your goblets gently to avoid scratches and breaks.
  • Do clean them with a soft, dry cloth or a specially designed cleaning solution.
  • Do store your goblets in a cool, dry, and safe location.
  • Do seek professional help if the goblets need repairing or restoring.


  • Don’t expose your goblets to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight.
  • Don’t use harsh detergents or abrasive cleaning tools.
  • Don’t put your goblets in a dishwasher.
  • Don’t attempt to repair serious damage yourself.

Why Material-Specific Maintenance Matters

Each material has unique physical properties that directly influence its maintenance needs. Bone and ivory, being organic materials, are more porous, delicate, and prone to environmental damage compared to non-organic materials like glass or metal. Hence, bone and ivory goblets require more careful handling and storage, as well as specialized cleaning methods, to maintain their quality and longevity.

Physical Properties and Their Impact on Maintenance

Understanding the physical properties of bone and ivory is essential for their appropriate care:

  1. Porous Nature: Bone and ivory are naturally porous, making them susceptible to staining and liquid absorption. Therefore, they need prompt cleaning after use and protection from colored and acidic liquids.
  2. Brittleness: These materials are brittle and can easily crack or chip if dropped or mishandled. It underlines the importance of gentle handling and safe storage.
  3. Temperature Sensitivity: Bone and ivory are sensitive to temperature changes, meaning exposure to extreme heat or cold can cause warping or cracking. These goblets must be stored in a stable environment away from heat sources and frost.
  4. Light Sensitivity: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can bleach the material, leading to loss of its natural color and vibrance.

Cleaning Guidelines

Maintaining the integrity of bone and ivory goblets requires a delicate and informed approach to cleaning:

  1. Supplies: Use a soft, dry cloth and a mild soap solution. Avoid abrasive materials and strong detergents.
  2. Cleaning Solution: Dilute a small amount of mild soap in warm water. Do not use hot water as it could warp the goblet.
  3. Method: Gently wipe the goblet with the soapy water, then rinse with clean warm water. Dry the goblet immediately with a soft cloth to prevent water absorption.
  4. Frequency: Clean the goblets immediately after use to prevent staining or damage from acidic liquids.

Storage and Handling Tips

Correct storage and handling can greatly extend the life of your goblets:

  1. Temperature: Store in a place with a stable temperature, away from heat sources and frost.
  2. Light: Keep away from direct sunlight to prevent bleaching.
  3. Humidity: Store in a dry place as high humidity can warp the goblets.
  4. Handling: Always hold the goblets with clean, dry hands. Hold firmly but gently to avoid dropping or squeezing them.

Common Issues and How to Prevent Them

Several issues can occur with bone and ivory goblets due to their inherent properties and incorrect handling:

  1. Stains: Prevent stains by cleaning goblets immediately after use and avoiding colored liquids.
  2. Cracks and Chips: Avoid these by handling the goblets gently and storing them safely.
  3. Warping: Store in a place with stable temperature and low humidity to prevent warping.

When to Seek Professional Help

If your bone and ivory goblets show significant damage, discoloration, or wear, it’s advisable to seek professional help. Professionals specialized in bone and ivory restoration can assess the condition of the goblets and carry out the necessary repair or restoration work without further damaging the material.


Caring for bone and ivory goblets requires patience, knowledge, and a careful hand. By understanding their properties, following the cleaning guidelines, and adopting the appropriate storage and handling practices, you can maintain their beauty and functionality for years to come. For more detailed information on maintaining various materials, explore the Maintenance by Material Guide. The longevity of your precious goblets depends on the care they receive – handle them with respect and they’ll continue to be the crowning jewel of your collection.